Insurance Companies' Profits Skyrocket, Even as Medical Malpractice Payouts Drop

Thursday 2 October 2014

A skilled pickpocket does not just take your wallet; he directs your attention elsewhere. When you notice you have been robbed, you blame someone else.

Insurance companies and their industry spokespeople are similarly skilled at misdirection. Doctors are understandably angry about the high price of malpractice insurance premiums – and patients are angry about the high cost of health care – at a time when insurance companies are reaping enormous profits. But lest this anger be directed at the insurers themselves, and result in action to regulate the insurance industry, spokespersons for the industry are quick to point the finger somewhere else. High premiums, they say, are the result of too many lawsuits and “skyrocketing” medical malpractice payouts. The problem with this argument? Medical malpractice payouts have actually decreased in recent years.

How To Deal With Sneaky Insurance Adjusters

Tuesday 26 August 2014

If you need compensation for injuries due to an accident, you need to be aware of one important thing—insurance companies are in business to make—not give away—money!

Just because an adjuster is acting nice, that does not mean he is your friend. In fact, many insurance companies will pay the adjuster a bonus to settle your claim as soon as possible, with as little as possible.

Number one goal of the insurance adjuster

Did a Life Insurance Company Wrongfully Deny a Life or Diability Claim?

Individuals and families purchase life insurance policies for one reason: peace of mind. The purpose of life insurance is to provide protection in the rare but devastating event of the death of a loved one.

Such a death is often associated with unexpected financial challenges, such as medical bills, funeral expenses, loss of income, or the like. Life insurance offers protection against these financial strains. The beneficiaries of a life insurance policy receive a sum of money that they can use to offset such expenses. In this way, a life insurance policy provides protection against the unexpected.

Rhode Island Medical Malpractice Lawyers: Case Digest Malpractice Insurance

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Medical malpractice and personal injury attorneys practicing in Rhode Island should be aware of a recent state Supreme Court decision that is helpful for our state’s consumers.

Rhode Island law has long required healthcare providers to have malpractice insurance, and that the malpractice insurance carriers hold certain amounts of professional liability coverage. R.I. Gen. Laws. § 42-14.1-2. Recently, the Rhode Island Supreme Court addressed whether medical providers could purchase self-insured retention plans to comply with the statute. 

Pennsylvania Nursing Home Care: A Passing Grade

Pennsylvania has been rated satisfactory in nursing home care grades. If your loved one was abused or neglected in a nursing home, contact an attorney.

Our law firm offers strong representation for individuals and families who suspect a loved one is suffering from nursing home abuse. Elderly populations are vulnerable to several types of abuse, including physical, emotional, verbal, sexual, and financial. Recently, a nonprofit advocacy group for nursing home residents used federal measures to rank the nursing home care in each state. Pennsylvania received a C.

Internet and Cyberspace Crime Law

Saturday 21 June 2014

Internet and Cyberspace Crime Law governs crimes on the internet. It is regulated by U.S. federal and state laws, as well as international laws. Cybercrime is one of the three general categories of Computer Crime. 

They are crimes that are committed through the use of computer networks and devices, although the crime committed does not target the actual computer or the network (Fraud and identity theft: phishing and pharming scams; corporate espionage; embezzlement; cyber terrorism; child pornography trafficking, and more). 

Criminal Law - a Guide to Penal Law

What is Criminal Law? 

Criminal law involves a system of legal rules designed to keep the public safe and deter wrongful conduct. Those who violate the law face incarceration, fines, and other penalties. The American criminal justice system is both complex, and adversarial in nature. With the exception of minor traffic violations, accused individuals will require the assistance of an attorney. 

Criminal Defense Law

What is Criminal Defense Law? 

Criminal defense law consists of the legal protections afforded to people who have been accused of committing a crime. Law enforcement agencies and government prosecutors have extensive resources at their disposal. Without adequate protections for the accused, the balance of power within the justice system would become skewed in favor of the government. As it is, fair treatment for criminal defendants often depends as much upon the skill of their defense attorney as it does the substantive protections contained in the law. 

Asbestos & Mesothelioma Lawsuits

Asbestos mesothelioma is a fatal asbestos cancer involving the mesothelium, a protective lining that encloses most of the body's internal organs. The only known cause of mesothelioma seems to be exposure to asbestos particles in the air. The time between exposure and the appearance of symptoms can be as long as 20 to 50 years. 

What Happens if I get arrested for DUI While Vacationing in Florida?

Nothing can ruin a great vacation in sunny Florida like getting arrested for a DUI offense. What happens when you are arrested out of your home state for a DUI and what can you do about it? Here's how you can do everything you can to make sure what happens in Florida doesn't come back to haunt you in the future.

Trial by Jury in Florida

A brief overview of the jury trial process in the State of Florida.

One of the fundamental principles of our criminal justice system is the right to a trial by jury. For some people, a jury trial is a viable option and presents the best opportunity for a favorable outcome. The decision to take a case to trial, and particularly a felony case, is serious one and should be carefully considered.

How Insurance Companies Value Your Car if it Was Totaled in a Car Accident

Friday 20 June 2014

The insurance company has to pay you the actual cash value of your car or truck if it was totaled in a car accident in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Insurance Law provides that you are to be reimbursed for property damage if your car was totaled. The law says the insurance company owes you for the "actual cash value" of the vehicle. This means that the actual market value of your car or truck is what they owe you.

What To Do After a Tornado or Other Natural Disaster

When any sort of natural disaster hits, it can be terrifying. Once it has passed, though, victims are often left wondering what they need to do to pick up the pieces. Is there anything they need to do in filing their insurance claims to make sure that they will get paid soon and as much as possible? This is especially important for those whose houses are destroyed and who have lost everything.

How an Insurance Attorney Can Help a Public Adjuster

By working together on litigating insurance claims, public adjusters and attorneys can obtain beneficial outcomes for their client. In their partnership, each will use their unique skill set to recover the maximum possible compensation for the claimant.

Once individuals contact their insurance company about property damage or other losses, the insurance company will send a claims adjuster to assess the damage and decide on a settlement amount. To obtain support, the claimant may hire a public adjuster, who may assist by analyzing the damage and negotiating an appropriate settlement, based on the claimant’s coverage.

Internet Crimes Can Amount to a Wide World of Trouble - Also Larceny Basics in Las Vegas

For individuals dealing with internet crimes in Las Vegas Nevada or Larceny charges, here are a few details about what this means to you.

Internet law is a relatively new specialty area, and continues to evolve with as technology changes. Online criminal activity can include everything from the solicitation of a minor to fraud, with there being varying degrees of punishment for each offense. They are addressed in various chapters of the Nevada Revised Statute, and some may also be federal offenses because they happen across state lines. Punishment can include jail time, fines, probation or even restitution to the victim.

Top 7 Things to Check on Your New Jersey Car Insurance Policy

Thursday 19 June 2014

Cheaper isn't always better. Here's a list of things to check when purchasing automobile insurance coverage in New Jersey. Whether buying online or with an agent, make sure you know what you are getting.

1. Liability Insurance - increase your coverage from the minimum.
Liability insurance is what covers you when you cause injuries or damages. NJ requires a minimum of $15,000 per injured person and $30,000 total for each accident. If you want the cheapest coverage, you can get this 15/30 policy, however, you will be putting yourself at financial risk, because your insurance company will only cover you up to the limits of your purchased coverage.

New Wisconsin Car Insurance Law Benefits Drivers

The New Year is already looking up for Wisconsin drivers! By January 1, 2010, all of the provisions of the Truth in Auto Insurance law will be in effect - holding auto insurance providers accountable once again.

The New Year is already looking up for Wisconsin drivers! By January 1, 2010, all of the provisions of the Truth in Auto Insurance law will be in effect - holding auto insurance providers accountable once again.

Car Accidents in Egypt with Foreigners

Be absolutely free from the driving rules - is the most popular "law" in the Egypt for car holders. There are probably only women drive carefully but that fact doesn't decrease the count of accidents with people on the streets. Car accident may happen with anyone in any country. Here an a real example of financial fraud according to the car troubles.

California Insurance Agent Sentenced For Financial Fraud That Targeted Seniors

A Los Angeles area insurance agent accused of defrauding senior citizens will spend five years in jail and was ordered by the court to pay $1.2 million to compensate his victims.

A Los Angeles area insurance agent accused of defrauding senior citizens was sentenced to five years in jail and ordered by the court to pay $1.2 million to compensate his victims. He will serve his lockup time at the Los Angeles County Jail. He was accused of participating in a Ponzi scheme that targeted senior citizens in Los Angeles and surrounding areas. California financial elder abuse attorneys are glad he will be spending time in jail. 


Wednesday 18 June 2014

E-justice, the use of Internet technology in handling various administrative procedures before, during and after the administration of justice, provides a host of possibilities throughout the legal process, from lobbying through to the provision of remote authoritative legal information and certificates. It is seen by many as the key to streamlining and expediting justice.

Was footpath woman killed because she was wearing Muslim robes? Police probe after Saudi victim was attacked in park

A woman who died after being attacked on a footpath may have been targeted because of her Muslim dress, police have said.

The woman, who was in her early 30s, was wearing a navy blue full-length robe called an Abaya and a multi-coloured hijab headscarf when she was set upon at 10.40am yesterday.

Mother of 7 in jail because her kids skipped school dies in cell

A 55-year-old Pennsylvania mother of seven, sentenced to serve two days in jail because her children were absent too much from school and she couldn’t pay some $2,000 in truancy fines, was found dead in her cell.

Are You Getting Shortchanged on Patent Royalties?

Licensing intellectual property can be a lucrative stream of revenue. However, businesses need to have procedures in place to ensure accurate reporting and royalty payments.

Entertainment Industry Study Finds Online Piracy Growing

Online copyright infringement shows no signs of slowing down, according to a new study commissioned by NBCUniversal and prepared by NetNames. Among the study’s findings — 432 million unique Internet users explicitly sought infringing content during just one month in 2013.

Court Rules Copyright Ownership Can Be Transferred Using Electronic Signature

In a matter of first impression, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals recently ruled that an electronic signature can create a legally binding agreement to transfer copyright ownership. The decision relied on the federal E-Sign Act of 2000, which clarified that contracts cannot be invalidated simply because the signature is in electronic form.

Deconstructing the “Act of Production” Doctrine

Tax cases are document-intensive cases. As any white-collar criminal defense attorney knows all too well, summonses and grand jury subpoenas routinely seek documents. And there is a good reason why. If the government cannot get the requested documents, it often cannot make a case. It is for this reason that the seminal issue in document production cases is whether the taxpayer has a Fifth Amendment privilege with respect to documents that he possesses.

Love Hurts, and so Can Confidentiality

When you agree to say nothing to anyone, say nothing. To anyone.

As a father of three, all in their twenties, I can look back on many parenting moments that, while being the source of the humbling silver tint of my hair (my word; most just call it what it is: gray), have become good stories to chuckle about these many years later. Too many fender benders, a few creepy friends (okay, boys), busted curfews and little white lies. Yeah, imagine that. Love hurts.

A brief overview of the jury trial process in the State of Florida

One of the fundamental principles of our criminal justice system is the right to a trial by jury. For some people, a jury trial is a viable option and presents the best opportunity for a favorable outcome. The decision to take a case to trial, and particularly a felony case, is serious one and should be carefully considered. 

Registration and Protection of Traemarks in India and Abroad

All about trademarks and service marks, and registration and protection of these in India, and in countries worldwide. A special and exclusive section is provided over registration of trademarks in India, including the registration process, and the up-to-date provisions in the Trade Marks Act of 1999, and the Trade Marks Rules of 2002. International Treaties like the TRIPS Agreement, Berne Convention, Madrid Protocol, & CTM,are also described briefly.

US Defense Industry: The Impact of ITAR for the Business

International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) is one of the key components of the United States‘ export regime regulating the defense related items and the items that have dual use features.

State Troopers Pull Over Speeding Drivers in Cooke County

Has a State trooper issued a speeding ticket to you in Cooke County? No matter whether you hold a CDL or Class C driver's license, you have a right to dispute your ticket if you would rather not see points added to your driving record. An attorney who has previously defended clients in Cooke County may be able to defend against your violation as well. If you do not respond to your speeding ticket before it becomes outstanding, the Cooke County Justice Court will issue you a warrant.

Personal Injuries Due to Police Brutality

My Rhode Island personal injury law firm recently looked into a case in which the Bridgeport, Connecticut Police Department settled a lawsuit alleging severe brutality during arrest.

Responsibilities of the Limited Liability Company’s Manager

In a limited liability company, the manger can be appointed in the company’s memorandum of association or in a separate agreement. His appointment can be for a limited period or an unlimited period.

Testaments of Foreign Citizens Concerning Bulgarian Properties

Clarifying some of the problematic issues related with testaments of foreign persons who have properties in Bulgaria.

As testament is generally accepted instrument to dispose of property (according to many foreign jurisdictions) often foreign people are disposing with their properties located in different countries (including the Republic of Bulgaria) with only one testament.

Addison Traffic Ticket Attorney: Speeding and Warrants

Law enforcement in Addison, Texas, and in other Dallas County cities, does not let motorists get away with driving over the speed limit. Have you been written a speeding ticket by an Addison police officer? Even if you have a CDL, a traffic ticket attorney may be able to help you dispute your speeding violation and keep points off your driving record. If you do not respond to a citation written to you, the Municipal Court will issue you an arrest warrant.

Safety Tips for Riding with a Passenger

Drivers encounter many distractions behind the wheel. This may include using a cell phone, daydreaming and eating. But passengers can sometimes be the most distracting. Consider the following ways to make riding with a passenger safer.

When Is Drunk Driving A Felony?

Many people travel to the state of Florida from other states as it is the home to many popular vacation spots. While on vacation, many people may consume alcohol while enjoying the beautiful beaches, plentiful clubs and bars, and luxurious weather. Sometimes an out-of-town guest can consume too much alcohol before getting behind the wheel of an automobile.

Probate & Estate – Executor’s Rights to Commence Legal Action Before Grant

Hong Kong has a large multi-national community and as a result, there is a huge number of international estates involving beneficiaries overseas or deceased domiciled abroad. Litigation involving foreign executors or beneficiaries are also very common. Recently, the Court of Appeal in the case of Nativivat v Nativivat [2013] considered an interesting question of whether an executor under a foreign will has the right to commence legal proceedings prior to obtaining grant of probate in Hong Kong.

Loan Funds Take the Stage in Malta

Spurred by various enquiries on the matter, the MFSA has last week launched the Investment Services Rules for Loan Funds (the “Rules”) which provide for the licensing and regulation of collective investment schemes investing through loans (“Loan Funds”). This paper will analyse the Rules and how these fit into the current Maltese fund legislation.

Balch Springs Traffic Ticket Attorney: Speeding and Warrants

Have you been pulled over by law enforcement in Balch Springs, or in another Dallas County city, and written a ticket for speeding? If you are not able to afford points on your driving record, you may choose to dispute your violation rather than plead guilty to it. A speeding ticket attorney may be able to defend against your speeding ticket in the Municipal Court. The court will issue you a traffic warrant if you do not respond to your citation before it becomes outstanding.

Top Work Injuries and Illnesses in Healthcare Industry

Healthcare is the fastest-growing sector of the U.S. economy, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), employing over 18 million workers – the majority of which (80%) are women. Healthcare workers – including doctors, nurses, lab technicians, pharmacists, and a number of other professionals – are exposed to a wide range of occupational hazards.

Internet Crimes can Amount to a Wide World of Trouble - Also Larceny Basics in Las Vegas

For individuals dealing with internet crimes in Las Vegas Nevada or Larceny charges, here are a few details about what this means to you.

Internet law is a relatively new specialty area, and continues to evolve with as technology changes. Online criminal activity can include everything from the solicitation of a minor to fraud, with there being varying degrees of punishment for each offense.

What Are Workers' Compensation Vocational Rehabilitation Benefits?

Each year millions of workers are injured in on-the-job accidents. While many of those injured workers will be able to return to their existing job after a period of recovery, some injured workers are injured to an extent that they are unable to return to their pre-injury job. In these situations, the injured worker may be able to receive vocational rehabilitation benefits under the applicable state workers’ compensation program in order to help him or her obtain a new job.

Divorce and Credit Card Debt – Known and Unknown

More and more couples are racking up excessive amounts of debt. To make matters worse, some debt, especially credit card debt, is hidden from the other spouse. Some blame this phenomenon on the fact that more marriages consist of two-income couples. Each spouse may find it difficult to relinquish control of his or her own money. But when divorce is on the horizon, how is this debt ultimately divided?

Tips to Select the Best Immigration Lawyer in California

Keep in mind that it’s not that easy to choose a skilled professional among the great variety of the immigration lawyers in California. If you want to change your residency status in the United States, you should approach the matted correctly and consider the great amount of the paperwork you’ll have to deal with. The right lawyer will ensure that your case can be managed timely and without any inconvenience.

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