Did a Life Insurance Company Wrongfully Deny a Life or Diability Claim?

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Individuals and families purchase life insurance policies for one reason: peace of mind. The purpose of life insurance is to provide protection in the rare but devastating event of the death of a loved one.

Such a death is often associated with unexpected financial challenges, such as medical bills, funeral expenses, loss of income, or the like. Life insurance offers protection against these financial strains. The beneficiaries of a life insurance policy receive a sum of money that they can use to offset such expenses. In this way, a life insurance policy provides protection against the unexpected.

What Happens When A Life Insurance Company Denies Your Claim?

In order to gain the benefit of life insurance, individuals and families faithfully pay their premiums for years on end. But what happens when a family loses a loved one to discover–after years of life insurance premium payments–that the life insurance company has denied the claim? If an insurance company has wrongfully denied your claim you should know that the law is on your side. An experienced attorney at Goldstein & Hayes, P.C. in Atlanta can examine the specifics of your case and help you recover the compensation that you deserve. Our insurance fraud attorneys are prepared to help you in any way that we can.

Indications That Your Insurance Company is Not Dealing With You Fairly

Under Georgia Law, insurance companies have a legal obligation to act in good faith toward those that they insure. This means that insurance companies are required to pay or deny claims within a reasonable amount of time, and they must explain the basis for any claim denial. This legal obligation further prevents insurance companies from denying any claim unreasonably, or from requiring a burdensome amount of paperwork in order to process a claim.

If you experience any of the following, your life insurance company may be acting in bad faith:

Denying payments without a reason, or failing to affirm or deny claim coverage within a reasonable amount of time;
Requesting burdensome document demands not required by the policy;
Employing harassing or intrusive investigative techniques that victimize the insured;
Intentionally withholding or misrepresenting claims information;
Cancelling a policy, or raising policy premiums, when the claimant was not at fault; or
Harassing, pressuring, or otherwise wrongfully encouraging an insured not to pursue a claim or not to hire an attorney.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Jonathan P Hayes
Goldstein & Hayes, P.C., are investigating claims that Monumental Life Insurance Company has wrongfully denied accidental injury deaths to a number of claimants. Monumental Life Insurance Company is a member of the AEGON Group, an association of insurance companies worldwide. Many of these companies offer identical accidental death policies, which may have resulted in the wrongful denial of claims for death benefits based on the same policy language ambiguity.

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