Pennsylvania Nursing Home Care: A Passing Grade

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Pennsylvania has been rated satisfactory in nursing home care grades. If your loved one was abused or neglected in a nursing home, contact an attorney.

Our law firm offers strong representation for individuals and families who suspect a loved one is suffering from nursing home abuse. Elderly populations are vulnerable to several types of abuse, including physical, emotional, verbal, sexual, and financial. Recently, a nonprofit advocacy group for nursing home residents used federal measures to rank the nursing home care in each state. Pennsylvania received a C.

In Pennsylvania, the Department of Health is charged with inspecting nursing facilities. The Florida group Families for Better Care ranked Pennsylvania 26th in the nation, making the following comments in its report:

• A high number of Pennsylvania nursing facilities have a low staff-to-patient ratio.
• While staffing is too low, Pennsylvania also ranks low for deficiency violations — good news.
• Patients in Pennsylvania nursing homes receive less than two hours and 15 minutes of direct care per day.

Pennsylvania does not rank high or exceptionally low for nursing care. If you are reviewing nursing facilities to care for your loved one, consider these factors of quality care:

• The facility employs a high number of professional staff, including registered nurses, relative to the patient population.
• The facility has a low number of deficiency violations after inspection by a state or other agency.
• The facility, its administrators and staff are appropriately registered and licensed.
• Residents are clean, well-cared for, seem comfortable and happy, and make decisions about their daily routines.
• Activities are available and arranged, volunteer groups visit the facility, and areas are provided to spend time outdoors.

Nursing home abuse is a serious concern for well-meaning family members who want the best care for their loved ones. If you are concerned about the safety of a family member, speak with an experienced nursing home negligence attorney.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Anthony M. Georgelis
Anthony M. Georgelis is a principal of Georgelis Law Firm, P.C. He uses his 18 years of legal experience to protect the interests of injured clients in Lancaster County.

Copyright Georgelis Law Firm, PC
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